November 26, 1997

I was in high I had been appointed as a trainee visualiser with an upcoming design agency. Just out of college, I was excited, as I knew I would meet new people, learn lots of new things, have loads of fun and get paid too!

I left home in a hurry as I was getting late for my first day at work. I remember I just picked up an apple and left. That day marked the beginning of my career.

Today, November 25, 2005

Eight years have passed by me like a dream. I met new people, made new friends, learnt new things, changed jobs, met the man of my dreams and I still want more from life...
A brand new house...
Saw the age old traditional way of celebrating Diwali...

A house that used to be a comany guest house till two months back...
A company that makes ball bearings...
A house that heard only business deals and discussions...
A house that had a few pieces of furniture here n there...
A house that had a kitchen that wasn't ever used for cooking..

This Diwali, my house saw a whole bunch of people (noisy people) from the age group of 1 to 65,
someone lying down, watching Tv, reading, cooking, eating, yapping, crying, gossiping, arguing and more at the same time, a kitchen that was never used for cooking saw the most grand lunches and dinners being cooked...

My house saw the most traditional 'SatyaNarayan' Pooja. A pooja that is done to thank the 'gods' for fulfilling all the wishes and to request him to continue to do so... Hope my house enjoyed the moments, hope my house felt at home..