November 26, 1997

I was in high I had been appointed as a trainee visualiser with an upcoming design agency. Just out of college, I was excited, as I knew I would meet new people, learn lots of new things, have loads of fun and get paid too!

I left home in a hurry as I was getting late for my first day at work. I remember I just picked up an apple and left. That day marked the beginning of my career.

Today, November 25, 2005

Eight years have passed by me like a dream. I met new people, made new friends, learnt new things, changed jobs, met the man of my dreams and I still want more from life...


Obi Wan said...

You're alive! You're alive!

K. K said...

New Friend+1

The Comic Project said...

Nov 17 1997 was when I "started" my career. I had worked for another 3.5 years before that, but this was the start. 8 years. I hear you :-)